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Head of Department Subject Teachers

Mr Williams

Miss Hearst

Mrs Williams

At Nendrum College, Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is an important element of our provision. We are committed to ensuring that all students receive high quality career education and guidance as part of their journey with us. This will enable our students to make informed choices regarding their education, training and employment options. Career education and guidance prepares our young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they will face throughout their time in our College and beyond. We are supported by our Careers Adviser, Alison Kennedy, who works closely with the Careers department.


Objectives of the Careers programme CEIAG:

(taking account of the requirements prescribed in DE/DEL document ‘Preparing For Success’)

SELF AWARENESS: To enable students to identify, assess and develop the skills and qualities necessary to choose and implement an appropriate career.

CAREER EXPLORATION: To acquire and evaluate information and review experiences. To identify and investigate appropriate career pathways and learning opportunities in education, training and employment.

CAREER MANAGEMENT: To develop skills in career planning and employing effective decision-making strategies to manage transition and make suitable career development choices, with the appropriate advice and guidance. CEIAG - The CEIAG Learning Entitlement consists of the following components.

CAREERS EDUCATION: This is delivered throughout the curriculum across Key Stage 3 and 4. At Key Stage 3 Employability lessons are part of the Learning for Life and Work provision, one period per week and in Key Stage 4 all students enjoy a discrete Careers lesson one period per week. Our Careers Adviser attends the Year 10 and 12 Parental Consultation afternoons and is available to provide specific guidance to parents and students. All students create their own Personal Career Plan to support the transition they must make – whether to Advanced Level education, Vocational/Occupational courses/training or employment. As well as the aforementioned support, each student and parent/carer also attends a Learning Guidance interview in both Year 11 and 12.

CAREERS INFORMATION: This is provided on many levels in all subjects, each department provides subject specific Careers information. Discretely this is provided in Learning for Life and Work lessons in Key Stage 3 and Careers lessons in Key Stage 4. Additionally, there is information in the Careers room and various computer/on-line resources used. We also offer Careers Guidance Interviews to all Year 12 students, presentations to all Year 10 students, Labour Market Information from DEL, Young Enterprise and SENTINUS Workshops, Open Days, Options events, Educational Visits and Conventions, Guest Speakers, Parents Evenings.

WORK RELATED LEARNING: This component is delivered through Work Experience, visits into the school from outside organisations and employers, Young Enterprise Company programme in Year 11/12, Enterprise Education, mock interviews, CVs, Personal statements. Various departments also attend industry insight days.

EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS: These include the wide range of skills, capabilities, attributes and dispositions which enable our students to become effective decision makers in regard to their career journey. These skills are embedded in the programmes of study. They include numeracy, ICT, communication, working with others, problem solving, decision making and self management.